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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fake Quotations: People are *that* gullible.

In addition to the quotations we examined today, sometimes quotations can be blatantly misattributed or made up for effect. Case in point:

These are all Hitler quotes, not Taylor Swift quotes. According to Buzzfeed, the most popular Taylor Swift quote had 277 repins on Pinterest.

That's not all!

I am a dreamer, but I dream as a child of #god. #bvotd #beauty #inspiration #christian #truth #bible #saved #nature
More #inspiration for your weekend. Praise the Lord! #bible #christ #christian #God #beauty
And it makes me wonder about the path I'm on... #bible #christ #christian #bvotd #daily #scripture #f4f #sunday #reflection #God #godisgood #saved #unashamed

Instagram Account @gavinwhitacre shares "Inspirational Bible Verses" that are actually classic rock lyrics. (The above lyrics are by John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and Led Zeppelin)

Misattribution is a powerful device and can change the way we view the world. "Gavin" has more than 500 followers on Instagram, and the comments imply people believe the verses are legitimate.

The lesson learned: Don't take what you read on the internet for granted!

1 comment:

  1. Similarly relevant article:
