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Monday, November 25, 2019

Four-Page Paper, Fall 2019

Choose One:

1. Pick any current (2019) event in the United States (e.g., a development in the impeachment controversy). Compare and contrast coverage in two American and two non-American sources (from different countries). How did each define the story? Did any show a bias? Did any miss something important? In your essay, try to find some outside documentation of the event in question (e.g., government sources) and learn about the news organizations. Distinguish between coverage that an organization produces and wire stories that it merely carries. Remember that coverage may consist of more than one story and may involve more than one day. In addition to Nexis (on the library site), here are some possible sources:
2. Pick any current (2019) event overseas (e.g., the Netanyahu indictment). Compare and contrast coverage in two American and two non-American sources (from different countries). How did each define the story? Did any show a bias? Did any miss something important? In your essay, try to find some outside documentation of the event in question (e.g., government sources) and learn about the news organizations. Distinguish between coverage that an organization itself produces and wire stories that it merely carries. Remember that coverage may consist of more than one story and may involve more than one day. You may find non-American sources above.

3. Write an update to the chapters in Politics Is a Joke. Have John Oliver and Jimmy Kimmel taken the place of Jon Stewart and the Comedy Central version of Steven Colbert? How do Oliver and Kimmel both resemble and differ from their predecessors? What effect have they had?

4. Devise your own topic, subject to my approval.

  • Essays should be typed (12-point) double-spaced, and no more than four pages long. I will not read past the fourth page. 
  • Essays should be Word documents, not pdfs.
  • Cite your sources, using endnotes in Turabian/Chicago format. 
  • Watch your spelling, grammar, diction, and punctuation. Errors will count against you. 
  • Return essays to the class Sakai dropbox by 11:59 PM on Friday, December 13. Essays will drop one gradepoint for one day’s lateness and a full grade after that. 

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