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Monday, March 2, 2015

First Filer

At Mullings, Rich Galen writes:

  • I love Twitter. With the advent of Twitter I can follow the major (and even some minor) national reporters and get 127 versions of what all of them have just seen, heard, and thought.
  • For someone like me, that is a significant time-saver and a major money saver.
  • ...
  • Given Twitter, cable news, instantaneous updates to stories previously filed on the websites of major (and even some minor) news organizations' websites there is a serious competition to file first.
  • If that new posting can include some tidbit that no one else had yet, written with a Matt Drudgeian breathlessness (BREAKING!) then the First Filer might not just get a mention on other websites but pats on the back in the bar (PBBs) at the end of the working day.
  • What that has led to is a situation in which journalists don't just report what they're seeing and hearing; but declaring it is the beginning, the end, the rebound, or the end of one campaign or another.
  • This is like watching a pre-season football game in August and having the color man in the booth telling the play-by-play guy (and the audience) not just whether a play worked or not; but declaring the ultimate winner of the Superbowl the next February, based on that play.

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